Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy of
This is the website of BV Alea
Registered office:
Dendermondesteenweg 28
9070 Destelbergen
Our company number or VAT number is 0882.427.806
RPR: Ghent
Your personal data, our responsibility
On this website, we collect personal data. These data are managed by our company.
When you visit our site, we store
- your domain name (ip address) when you visit our web pages
- your e-mail address when you post messages/questions on this website
- your e-mail address when you communicate it to us
- Your e-mail address when you participate in discussion forums.
This information is used
- To improve the content of our website
- To notify you about updates to our site.
- to contact you at a later date for direct marketing purposes
The use of cookies
On this site we use cookies (this is a small file that is sent by an Internet server and that installs itself on the hard disk of your computer. This file keeps track of the visited Internet site and contains some data about this visit).
If we receive or transfer your data on our website, we always use the coding technologies which are recognised as common standards within the IT sector. We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, unlawful use or alteration of information that we receive on our site
How to contact us regarding our privacy policy?
If you would like to respond to our privacy policy, you can contact us
- via e-mail: [email protected]
- via phone: 0468488616.
- via post: Dendermondesteenweg 28, 9070 Destelbergen
If you give us your postal address via the web, you may receive periodical mailings from us with information on products and services and upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such mailings (any more), you can unsubscribe in the e-mail.
If you give us your telephone number via the web, you may be contacted by our company by phone with regard to information about our products and our services or about upcoming events. In case you do not want to receive such calls (anymore), please contact us on the above mentioned address.
If you give us your mobile phone number via the web, you will only receive text messages (SMS/MMS/ed) from our company if this is necessary to inform you about the questions or orders you have requested.
If you give us your e-mail address via the web, you can be contacted by our company via e-mail with regard to information about our products and our services or about upcoming events (for direct marketing purposes) if you have given your explicit permission or if you are already a customer with us and you have given us your e-mail address. If you no longer wish to receive such e-mails, please contact us at the above-mentioned address.
If you do not wish to receive any further mailings or telephone calls from any company, please contact the Robinson list of the Belgian Direct Marketing Association (online:, freephone: 0800-91 886 or by post: BDMV, Robinson list, Buro&Design Center, Heizel Esplanade B46, 1020 Brussels).
Our company may use consumer information for new purposes not yet provided for in our "privacy policy". In that case, we will contact you before using your data for these new purposes, to inform you of the changes to our regulations for the protection of personal data and to give you the opportunity to refuse participation. On request, we provide visitors to our site with access to all the information we hold about them. If you wish to access this information, please contact us at the above address. On request, we offer visitors the opportunity to correct any incorrect information that we maintain about them. If you wish to correct your personal data, please contact us at the above-mentioned address. If you feel that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact our company at this address: Dendermondesteenweg 28, 9070 Destelbergen