Salt & Licking Stones
Salt stones, mineral blocks and licking stones in the most versatile flavours will ensure the health of your horse and give him a pleasant activity that counteracts stable vices. Himalayan salt licks contain many purely natural elements, such as iron and magnesium, as well as a multitude of trace elements that your horse's body can absorb. Natural crystal salt, preserved for millions of years, consists of those elements which also make up our bodies and from which life sprang. The Likit licking stones are not only tasty, they also fit into various horse toys: good for hours of licking fun for your horse.
De ideale aanvulling van zout, mineralen en sporenelementen.
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Salt & Licking Stones
Salt stones, mineral blocks and licking stones in the most versatile flavours will ensure the health of your horse and give him a pleasant activity that counteracts stable vices. Himalayan salt licks contain many purely natural elements, such as iron and magnesium, as well as a multitude of trace elements that your horse's body can absorb. Natural crystal salt, preserved for millions of years, consists of those elements which also make up our bodies and from which life sprang. The Likit licking stones are not only tasty, they also fit into various horse toys: good for hours of licking fun for your horse.